Fundraise for Trini Foundation
You can create personalized fundraising pages for your birthday, donation class, or event!
Do whatever works best for you! We’ve seen success with meditation classes, kirtans, concerts, silent auctions, pancake breakfast fundraisers, and more!
Want to sell tickets for your event or have questions? Contact our Administrative Director, Kristin Friedman
Email: support@trinifoundation.org - Phone: 614-398-0868 - Schedule a virtual meeting
Hosting an event benefiting Trini Foundation doesn't need to be difficult!
Click here to build your own fundraising page.
Once your page is set up, you can create a QR code for your fundraiser, send out emails asking friends/family to support, post on social media, and use a pre-formatted email to thank donors!
*These are NOT Ambassador and Partner Studio Pages
Trini Brand Logos
Here are our Trini Foundation and Trini Recovery Residence logos. Please feel free to add them to your fundraising content, website, flyers, brochures, social media posts, emails, letter and more!
Want to advertise your event and don’t know where to start?
Create your own or use our brand templates below!
General Event Flyer
Click here to access our General Event Flyer.
You can add a QR code for registration, tickets, or more information.
Donation Yoga Class
Click here to access our Dontation Yoga Class Flyer Template. This can be used for general events as well, just customize the way you like it!
Donation Flyer
Click here to access our Donation Flyer - you can create a QR code to our general giving or your campaign page (see below)
Info you can share on Trini Foundation's Mission:
Since 2016, Trini Foundation has been part of the solution. Offering access to yoga and mindfulness services and now providing sober living for substance use disorder recovery, Trini Foundation continues to change the dialogue surrounding addiction and recovery - from one of isolation, to one of community and growth. We offer 3 programs that can meet someone at the beginning of their recovery journey and carry them into sustained sobriety - you can help keep these programs going by donating today!
Our Trini Recovery Residence has offered necessary resources, a safe and supportive living environment, and a refuge of hope for 18 women in Columbus, OH since opening in March 2023.
'This house is my support system and the women in it are my backbone.' - Chloe, Trini Recovery House Resident
Past residents speak highly of the home, resources, support, and amenities. Local treatment programs call saying, 'we've been hearing good things from the residents of your house' - this simply supports what we already know. Communities need programs like Trini Recovery Residence and your donation will help us continue this vital work!
Our scholarship program provides unlimited monthly scholarships for Ashtanga Yoga programs across the country and around the world. This allows for community connections, development in healthy habits/practice consistency, and the opportunity to grow in relationships with teachers who care for and support their students. We require students to attend a minimum of 2 classes per week and maintain scholarships for up to a year for those who meet financial need parameters and attend classes regularly. Our students report that this program is essential to their recovery and often say that their yoga practice is the very thing that is saving their lives.
Trini Treatment Center Classes introduce the tool of Ashtanga Yoga in detox centers, rehabilitation programs, prisons, sober living, and IOP/PHP group sessions across the country. Without these classes, one may never know the power this practice holds for sustained sobriety. Our trained teachers work tirelessly to provide the basics of the Ashtanga Yoga method, share their own stories of hope, and offer compassion to those that are often in the toughest fight of their lives. Many who experience these classes then apply for scholarships once their course of treatment is completed.
I am 121 days sober today and I know that without this program, I would not be. This program keeps me accountable for my practice and the practice is saving my life. The lessons that I learn on the mat everyday spill over and affect everyday life. I am a better human because of my practice. - Patricia, Scholarship Student
Over the years, many of our treatment center class and/or scholarship students give back!! Some teach treatment center classes, host donation classes, and even help manage the recovery residence!!
Your donation will go far to support someone in recovery. Your gift may be the very catalyst of opportunity through our recovery residence, scholarship program, and treatment center classes.!! We, here at Trini Foundation, are seeing the long term effectiveness of this program and it keeps us going - helping those struggling with substance use disorder feel seen, supported, and connected.
Will you join us in this work? Make a one time gift or set up a recurring monthly donation to ensure funding long term. Donate today!
Our impact this year has changed the community
Treatment center classes
Yoga Tuition Scholarships
Partner Studios
Program Participants