Memorial & Celebratory Funds

Every time I choose to show up regardless of how much I feel like sleeping or using, I am released of the intense craving and grounded by the yoga instructor’s message. They are saving my life and giving me a freedom I have only received from yoga and meditation.
— Trini Student

Raise $1,000 (or more) to establish a yoga scholarship fund honoring someone you love. This funds one (or more) student’s yoga journey for an entire year! You can contribute the entire amount yourself or set up a campaign to fund the scholarship among your friends and family. We’ll create a personalized campaign page. All you have to do is reach out to your donors!

Establish a memorial scholarship in the name of a loved one lost to addiction or a celebratory scholarship in the name of someone in recovery. (Yes, you can celebrate yourself!)

Please email for more details.

Contribute to an Existing Fund

Dustin Lemaster Memorial Fund

Dustin was one of my best friends in sobriety. I met him at the House of Hope where I was attending weekly 12 step meetings…

Matthew Hayes Osborne Memorial Scholarship

We lost Matt to his battle with addiction three and a half years ago in May 2020. Matt was father to our five beautiful children…

Nick Wright Celebratory Fund

Nick Wright has been an integral part of the Ashtanga Yoga Columbus community for the past four years and we are thrilled to establish this scholarship in honor of his success and growth…

Jeremy Deeks Memorial Fund

Jeremy was an artist in every sense of the word and brought creativity and care to everything he did. He was an academic, a poet, an environmental scientist, a musician, a philosopher, a cook, a friend…

Nick Doerter "Soco" Memorial Scholarship

In Loving Memory of Nick Doerter "Soco"…

Our impact this year has changed the community


Treatment center classes


Yoga Tuition Scholarships


Partner Studios


Program Participants

Thank you to our generous sponsors